Hannah Fritz

Artemisia vulgaris l by Hannah Fritz ©Hannah Fritz

Ceruchus piceus by Hannah Fritz ©Hannah Fritz

Cranial Cats Internship by Hannah Fritz, 2020, Pen & Ink, Digital Rendering ©Hannah Fritz

Grace Herzberg

Egg Cross-section by Grace Herzberg ©Grace Herzberg

Fireflies of the Sea by Grace Herzberg ©Grace Herzberg

Glyptemys insculpta by Grace Herzberg, 2020, ZBrush, Digital Rendering ©Grace Herzberg

Jordan Gongora

Black Rhino by Jordan Gongora ©Jordan Gongora

Deer Skull by Jordan Gongora ©Jordan Gongora

Iowa Anurans by Jordan Gongora, 2019, Gouache-digital Rendering Hybrid ©Jordan Gongora

Hannah Loeffelholz

Amazon Dart Frog by Hannah Loeffelholz ©Hannah Loeffelholz

Copperhead by Hannah Loeffelholz ©Hannah Loeffelholz

Hall of the Ancient Americas by Hannah Loeffelholz, 2019, Sketchup, Digital ©Hannah Loeffelholz

Self-portrait by Liz Stratton ©Liz Stratton

Glowing Heat by Liz Stratton ©Liz Stratton

Peaceful Primates by Liz Stratton ©Liz Stratton
Chameleon Color Change by Liz Stratton, 2019, animation ©Liz Stratton

Chloe Peterson

Brassica oleraceae by Chloe Peterson ©Chloe Peterson

Hand Movement by Chloe Peterson ©Chloe Peterson

The Art of Spinning by Chloe Peterson, 2020, Digital Rendering ©Chloe Peterson

Kayla Hoag

Anatomy of a Pineapple by Kayla Hoag ©Kayla Hoag

Us Versus Them by Kayla Hoag ©Kayla Hoag

Beautiful & Toxic by Kayla Hoag, 2020, Digital Rendering ©Kayla Hoag

Olivia Seweryn

La Croix by Olivia Seweryn ©Olivia Seweryn

Cuban Painted Snails by Olivia Seweryn ©Olivia Seweryn

Cuban Painted Snails by Olivia Seweryn ©Olivia Seweryn

Castilleja sessiliflora Morphs by Olivia Seweryn, 2020, Colored Pencil, Digital Rendering ©Olivia Seweryn

Kayla Vasquez

Multi-step Ad by Kayla Vasquez ©Kayla Vasquez

Spectacular Seahorses by Kayla Vasquez ©Kayla Vasquez

Figure Drawing by Kayla Vasquez, 2020, Charcoal on Paper ©Kayla Vasquez

Travis James

Figure Narrative by Travis James ©Travis James

Phospholipid Bilayer by Travis James ©Travis James

Changing the Face of Bats of Iowa, Travis James, 2019, Digital Rendering ©Travis James

Wiriyanat Ployaram

Neomarica gracilis by Wiriyanat Ployaram ©Wiriyanat Ployaram

Rose Anatomy by Wiriyanat Ployaram ©Wiriyanat Ployaram

Sorghum Food & Fuel by Wiriyanat Ployaram, 2020, Colored Pencil, Digital ©Wiriyanat Ployaram

Victoria Cicha

Goose Comic by Victoria Cicha ©Victoria Cicha

Skate Blades Victoria Cicha ©Victoria Cicha

Horse Sculpture by Victoria Cicha, 2019, Polymer Clay, Digital Rendering ©Victoria Cicha